Fitness Impact
Impact Life Performance Coach
Impact Life Performance Coaching is here to help you transition from your comfort zone to a place of power that will allow you to confidently make your next step to achieve your goals and find balance.
Impact Life Performance Coaching is for personal improvement and life goal attainment. This program's basic understanding helps you with goal setting, goal adherence, time management, career planning, financial and retirement planning, and health and wellness. This program is one of our most popular programs because it puts you in total commitment to yourself, holds you accountable, and provides answers that move you along in life.
As you know by now, life seems and often feels like a roller-coaster with some beautiful moments and some painful moments with heartbreak and loss. But, moments of peace and warmth, gains and success, and moments when you feel like the roller-coaster are the same; the ride never changes. It's the same old ride with the same ending.
Impact Life Performance Coach helps you change roller-coasters and gives you the power to drive it and direct it to provide you with the most rewards with the most magnificent ride; there will still be a risk, ups, and downs that are unforeseen. But, with you in control, you'll always be able to dictate the outcome by redirecting the course and achieving the result you deserve.
Athletes, performers, and CEOs know they can't do it alone. They know they need a trained professional or a team of experts to determine the best direction and provide objective support and feedback. This is necessary to achieve excellence. For example, an athlete would only consider going to the Olympics with the assistance of a coach. The extra edge the coach provides makes all the difference. So why shouldn't you have this same advantage?
Impact Life Coaching will help you make more effective and focused actions immediately. Help you stop putting up with petty annoyances and create momentum so it's easier to get results, help you set better goals based on what you want, and help you have more time and energy.
Impact Life Performance Coaching The Courage To Direct Your Future!
- 15-minute Interview (make sure you and your coach are a good fit to work together before you invest in yourself/set up a payment program to get started)
- 30 Minute Consultation (listen to what You need and where You want to go)
- Goal Setting (short and long-term-yearly prioritization)
- We offer a 6-month program and options for 12, 18, and 24 months.
- Get Started With 6 Easy Payments Now!
- Weekly Online Live Meetings
- Weekly Progression Meetings
- Task and Protocols (support)
- Success Systems and Courses
- Leadership Courses
- Successful Goal Attainment
- A Professional Life Performance Coach
- Accountability
- Full Support In Reaching Your Goals
Live Life Now. No Wasting Time!